Wildrose Argan Lip Butter/Balm


A natural lip balm made with Honey, nature’s ultimate beauty product. Honey is a wonderful skin softener and emollient. Along with Organic Raw Shea butter & Moroccon Argan Oil – “The Liquid Gold” it soothes and heals dry and chapped lips, leaving them soft and supple.

  • Honey is helps fight infection and promote new skin growth
  • Honey hydrates and moisturizes as it naturally traps and seals in moisture leaving lips soft and supple
  • Shea butter provides a protective barrier by supplying and retaining moisture
  • Aloe Vera is great for treating dry, sunburn or chapped lips
  • Wildrose gives the lips, the natural subtle pink color without the use of any chemical / artificial colors

Shelf life 

  • Best before 1 Year from the date of Manufacturing
  • This is a Preservative free Product, so keep it away from wet hand


Organic Wildrose, Moroccan Argan Oil, Hemp seeds,  Organic Shea butter, Avocado, Sweet  Almond oil, Aloe vera, Raw Rose Wax


  • Apply balm liberally to your lips as often as needed to help heal protect dry or chapped lips. Particularly helpful during dry, cold weather conditions.
  • Apply Lip Balm At Night: At night the lips tend to dry out. Apply lip balm before going to sleep to rejuvenate
  • Prepares Lips For Color: Moisturized lips provide smooth and soft background for color. Applying a very thin coat of lip balm before lipstick helps color shine.


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